Spirals in Time, the secret life and curious afterlife of seashells

"Who or what sculpts these intricate objects we find on beaches? How are seashells made and, perhaps more importantly, why? When Jason and the Argonauts searched for the Golden Fleece, were they in fact hunting for a cloak woven from the gleaming beards of seashells? Do octopuses really steal seashells and sail around in them like little boats? I answer all these questions and plenty more in my exploration of seashells and the animals that make them: the marvelous molluscs." Helen Scales talking about her book Spirals in Time: the secret life and curious afterlife of seashells. This book, now at the Almonte Public Library, brings the reader through history examining the important role seashells and molluscs have played in history. From Feminism to the slave trade to Mathematics learn about these marvellous creatures in a brilliant, funny story that really bring shells to life.